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Plastic- Boone or Bane???


Plastic is lightweight, durable, low-cost, and has a wide variety of applications ranging from a pen, which you use to write on paper, to waste Plastic undoubtedly has been one of the greatest paper baskets, into which you throw paper. achievements by man. When you enter a hospital, you can never fail to notice plastic vials, bottles, syringes, tubes, and many more articles made of plastic; those which are used to save many lives every day all around the globe.

To use metals to manufacture pens would be costly and using glass, though cheap, it is not a durable material. Plastic is used to manufacture thousands of home-use articles such as boxes, cases, bottles, containers, tumblers, chairs, tables, and many more. It also, in some way or the other forms a part of almost all electrical equipment, be it the sheathing of a wire or a plug casing, or even the keys of your cell phone. Plastic finds itself in automobile and aircraft parts; in kids' toys, everyday articles like a brush or a comb. Since it is obvious that plastic cannot be routed out completely, we must at least try and reduce our dependency on it. Avoid accepting plastic bags when you finish shopping. Instead, carry a paper or a jute bag with you when you go shopping. Avoid disposing of plastic along with organic wastes. Do not throw waste food in plastic bags or containers. You might just save a life. Avoid using plastic chairs or tables, you could use wood/metal instead. Plastic is made from crude oil. So lesser usage of plastic also means lesser demand for natural oil products. Keep plastic articles and toys (with small parts) away from the reach of little children. Always supervise kids when they are working with such potential plastic articles.

The more hazardous variant of plastic, the non-recyclable poses a more significant threat to our environment. The trouble arises because we have no definitive way of disposing of this plastic and hence it lives on in nature forever. A few steps that could be taken to tackle this problem are:
Governments should ban the production of non-recyclable plastic and also the manufacture of products that use them. Non-recyclable plastic can be used for asphalting roads, as supplementary building materials, and as supportive structures. Extensive research must take place in finding better methods of disposing of non-recyclable plastic.

In conclusion, every one of us knows that plastic is here to stay. But how we let it stay is left to us. Let us make better use of what nature has given us.

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